Thursday, September 29, 2011

From my bathroom, to your's.

My name is Emily.
I am 22 years old.
And I think talking about poop is hilarious.

I currently live in the heart of China. I have been here for seven weeks and my bowels have been in for the ride of a lifetime. Everyday I have a new adventure on the toilet. My problem is, Chinese people don't like to discuss their feces. It's like it grosses them out or something. Weird, right?

I vowed to never have a blog before. I figured if people cared enough about my life, they would just ask me about it rather than reading it on the internet. However, I am itching to share my poop stories in China. Seriously.

So here it is. The scoop on the downtown-push-down, as my husband and I call it. You guys all get to share in our bathroom woes and joys. I may throw in a thing or two about my real life. . . we'll see :)

This is not a blog for the faint of heart. For those of us who love bathroom humor, it's gonna be great.

Enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. Yup, I want to be the first to know about your nether region happenings. It's good to keep life light (in so many senses of the word!)
