Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fly Infestation

We have a fly infestation in our bathroom drain.
Yep, yep. It’s as gross as it sounds. Our bathroom consists of a toilet, a sink, a drain next to the toilet, a shower-head/spigot above the drain, and a ton of tiny flies. 
The drain on the floor of the bathroom is pretty dang gross. It doesn’t have a cover and it’s coated in a thick, brown goop. (I have no desire what-so-ever to know what that goop is!) From that drain comes an extremely foul smell and all these flies. I can’t seem to get rid of them. We’ve tried pouring boiled water and cleaning solution down the drain and covering it, but the flies live on. We just have to suck it up and get used to them.
So I’ve adopted a new hobby while going to the bathroom. I call it “Fly Hunting.” In the US, you guys read magazines while taking care of business. In China, we go Fly Hunting. 


  1. em - try putting some dishsoap, water and a little vinegar in a jar. Cover it with saran wrap and poke small holes (fork tyne size) in the top - if they are like fruit flies, this works like a charm. THey are attracted to it and fly in and drown...gross, but it works.
