Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Diarrhea Cry

Just as I finished publishing my last post, my husband bursts through the front door, huffing and puffing from running up the six floors to our apartment.

He screams, "I almost just pooped my pants!"

He then begins to rip off his pants and sprints to the bathroom.
A nanosecond later there is epic sounds of liquid chunks falling into the toilet and a sigh of relief.
"That was so close."

Welcome to China.

From my bathroom, to your's.

My name is Emily.
I am 22 years old.
And I think talking about poop is hilarious.

I currently live in the heart of China. I have been here for seven weeks and my bowels have been in for the ride of a lifetime. Everyday I have a new adventure on the toilet. My problem is, Chinese people don't like to discuss their feces. It's like it grosses them out or something. Weird, right?

I vowed to never have a blog before. I figured if people cared enough about my life, they would just ask me about it rather than reading it on the internet. However, I am itching to share my poop stories in China. Seriously.

So here it is. The scoop on the downtown-push-down, as my husband and I call it. You guys all get to share in our bathroom woes and joys. I may throw in a thing or two about my real life. . . we'll see :)

This is not a blog for the faint of heart. For those of us who love bathroom humor, it's gonna be great.

Enjoy :)